

I just found out about pastagang and I think it’s extremely good. Here are some unordered thoughts I’ve had as I’ve been reading/learning about pastagang and while I was having a little jam earlier in


But I’m not sure if I should be writing this. Everything is by pastagang, so is it okay to say “I”? I saw other people write “I” in their posts so I think it’s okay to do this.

Even though pastagang seems to be radically and genuinely open I feel like an imposter writing this blog post. Maybe you feel like an imposter too - from one imposter to another I think and hope it’s okay to write something if you want to.

Learning to code in anonymity

Earlier today I was reading the in-progress pastagang paper about learning to live code via nudel, and how that was a really lovely and effective experience for the writer to learn by doing and watching others doing. I had a similar experience learning FoxDot in my band TYPE… we used an old collaborative live coding protocol called Troop and I learned so much through watching everyone else code. Unlike nudel though, with Troop everyone’s code is in different colours, so it’s super easy to see who did what - it’s not necessarily a bad thing and I think it can be cool in performances, but it was a different ethos than pastagang which seems to promote anonymity. I think that’s good, there is some personal protection in anonymity. Live coding as a scene is explicit in embracing error, but sometimes it’s a bit scary when you’re the one embracing the errors and everyone else is doing a great job.


Reading this pastagang blog post about hierarchy I find myself with another excuse to share something I really love and that I think is very relevant to live coding: “Energy: YES! Quality: NO!” (anyone who knows me or has even probably just met me once will now be rolling their eyes with boredom). I first read about this concept on the White Pube in their article about Thomas Hirschhorn @ Kochi Biennial and then I went to check out what Thomas himself has to say about it:

“‘Energy: Yes!’ is the assertion that things which have their own energy are important. Energy is what counts, Energy is what I can grasp, Energy is what I can share and Energy is what is Universal.”

In the hierarchy post pastagang says (jokingly..) “this is the best live coding performance ever” as a sort of opposite to breaking down hierarchy. But I think if we think about ENERGY as opposed to QUALITY we can break down hierarchies and still have our fave rave performances. THIS is the best live coding performance:

Emotional blockers

But we can also be kind to ourselves and respond to our own work in terms of energy rather than quality - did you have fun? did you learn something? did you meet someone friendly? I think the hyper-collaborative/somewhat-anonymous nature of pastagang can help with this. Also earlier I read some stuff todepond wrote about Arroost and emotional blockers and I think personally thinking of my art/music/life/whatever in terms of energy as opposed to quality has really helped me articulate how I’m dealing with emotional blockers. I used to think like “perfect is the enemy of good” but that feels kinda like a corporate work phrase and I like “Energy: YES! Quality: NO!” much better.

Also going back to what I said earlier about the feeling of anonymity in pastagang: I think it gives us the opportunity to hide a bit if we want, which also makes some of those emotional blockers a bit easier to deal with.

Ok bye

Maybe I should have sent an email or something instead of writing this post on what feels like someone else’s blog (even though I know rationally that it’s pastagang’s blog and I am pastagang, I’m also irrationally imagining pastagang as a creepypasta type urban legend monster that is going to be mad at me for writing this).

Another I: Hey, I am (as you are too now), a part of the “urban legend monster” that is pastagang, and I can assure you I am not mad. In fact, it’s lovely too see people taking this space and making it their own, because I think this is what pastagang should be about.

This post was written by pastagang. Everyone can edit this post.